Gardening and Outdoors
- - The one stop gardening site for all your needs including shopping, information, news, gallery, forum and much more.
- The Natural Gardener Website - Nature wastes nothing, and it's a pity we did not learn from that wise old lady earlier! All of our products, even our packaging, comes from the soil, and will return to it, but the journey ensures fair free trade, wonderful natural growth in your garden and an income for at least a few of the millions far less advantaged than us. Gardening naturally - peat, chemicals and plastic free.
- Chris Nangle Furniture Design - Beautiful, eco-friendly, English Oak street furniture, park benches and public seating.
Gardening Advice from Garden Tourist - UK Gardening Advice Directory. Gardening Links and Information, Projects, Suppliers, Seasonal Recipes, Plants, Wildlife and much more.
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- Outdoor Living UK - Stainless Steel, Water Features & Solar Water fountains.
Outoorlivinguk offer a wide range of water features made from Stainless Steel, Resin and Solar power. We have the great range of products to create that perfect sanctuary.
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The Garden Business Directory you can Find a wide range of garden related Business Here large or small.
- Vegetable plants available mail order
Vegetable Plants Direct supplies top quality Young Vegetable Plants By Mail Order ready to plant out with hundreds of varieties to choose from.
Call professional Garden Designer, Josh Ward Garden Design on 078 1492 1491 for further information.
Click here to view Garden Designer portfolio.